Thursday, January 28, 2010

(201): if i were reduced to my simplest elements, i would be jizz and glitter.

sart 1
I WANT HER HAIR. if only i had the courage...
sart 2
amazing coat. love love love.
sart 3
And the most stylish couple award goes to awesome feather earrings girl and blazer scarve studded boots boy.
sart 4
if my (future) husband looks like this when were old we'll be married for a loooong time.
sart 5
knit sweater + eskimo jacket = hottayyy
These looks summarize everything i'm feeling right now.
xoxo fashionoctopus


  1. I know, I love her short hair. Currently, I'm building up the courage to cut my hair in pixie cut style in the spring.
